​It’s amazing how a few decorations can transform a room. To make sure your child’s birthday party is bursting with festive fun, why not try these simple and low-cost ideas.

1.Balloon Wall
Instead of blowing up a packet of balloons and sticking them around the room, blow up balloons to different sizes and stick them on one wall to create a ‘feature wall’. The balloon wall will turn any room into the perfect place to celebrate. Use a mix of colours, or choose colours that work with the theme of the party. Another idea is to turn your balloons into other object such as ice-cream cones.

With some string or curling ribbon, paper and glue, you can make fabulous bunting. Using paper or cardboard, cut out a triangle. Use that as your template to cut out more triangles. Then, paste your triangles along the length of the string. Bunting looks great in any room. Hang it across one wall, or from one wall to another. For a special birthday touch, paste photos of the birthday boy or girl onto your triangles.

3.Table placeholders
Instead of plain, standard placeholder cards, add a bit of fun to your table setting. Write the name of each guest on their wooden knife and fork. Or, take a polaroid of each guest as they arrive and place their photo on their plate. Another fun idea is to number the chairs at the table, then each guest pulls a number out of a hat to find out where they will be sitting.


4.The birthday wall
Using butchers paper, cover a large section of a wall. Provide a bucket of texters for the party-goers to draw, write and decorate the paper. Add a few extra craft pieces such as glitter, felt and scraps of material and invite guests to unleash their creativity. Once finished, take a photo of everyone in front of the birthday wall. Children will love being part of the fun and decorating the room.

5. Photo booth
Make your own photo booth. All you need is a box of props and a polaroid camera. The box can include dress-up items such as hats, glasses, wigs, clown’s nose – whatever you like! You can even make your own props. Throughout the day, remind party guests to visit the photo booth. On a piece of cardboard, paint a simple sign with: Photo Booth This Way, on it. If you take polaroids, you can give the photos to guests. Otherwise, you can email pictures along with a thank you after the party.

If you’re looking for something faster or even a bit extra, there are many decoration suppliers with a great range of choices. Here’s one of my favourite places to source decorations: http://www.lovetheoccasion.com.au

Thank you for reading, don’t forget to comment, share, like…..have an awesome day!