If your child’s birthday party is coming up and you’re worried about things not going to plan – don’t stress. There are ways to side-step disasters, it just takes a little bit of extra planning.

1) Entertainer problems. Booking an entertainer will be the highlight of the party. Whether it’s a surprise for the birthday boy or girl or not, the reaction is bound to be one of excitement. But what happens when it doesn’t go to plan? Perhaps the entertainer is stuck in traffic, unwell or doesn’t turn up.


How to avoid it:
Use a reputable entertainer and once booked, be sure to communicate before the party. Let them know if there is usually a lot of traffic near the party venue, ask what time they expect to be there, and what happens if the booked entertainer can’t make it. Also very important if there is limited parking in your street to reserve a car spot for your entertainer in your driveway or on the street. (This will save your entertainer and prevent them from being late) A great suggestion is to have the kids at the rear of your house, at the time when you know the entertainer will be arriving. (this way they won’t see the fairy get out of the car. It may ruin the magic for them if they are a young age.)

2) Last minute cancellations. Unfortunately, cancellations are part of hosting parties. There’s always bound to be a couple.


How to avoid it: 
It’s always a good idea to ask all guests to R.S.V.P. Give a date by when you would like them to reply. This will give you a good indication ahead of the day, without having to juggle numbers last minute. There isn’t much that can be done about on the day cancellations, other than carry on with the party. While inviting new guests last minute may not be the best etiquette, you can ask siblings of the guests to join in!

3) Food dilemmas. You’ve gone to a lot of effort to make, bake and prepare the party food, only to have the guests not eat it.


How to avoid it: 
Ask guests to let you know about any dietary requirements before the day. When it comes to catering, try and keep the options broad. You don’t have to go overboard with food, but a mix of flavours/toppings/fillings is sure to keep everyone happy.

4) Bad weather. It’s raining and you planned for an outdoor party.


How to avoid it: 
It’s always a good idea to have a wet weather contingency plan to avoid disappointment – especially in winter. Try to have a back-up, indoor space in case of rain, or consider some alternatives like a marquee.

Upset guests/birthday boy or girl. Someone is upset at the party. This can happen for a number of reasons.


How to avoid it: 
This is one of those things that can’t always be avoided. However, trying to make the party as inclusive as possible will help. Make sure you have enough of any giveaways, for each child and try and keep activities and games open to all guests.


And a final note: Sometimes things are just out of our control. If something doesn’t go to plan, just remember that it’s a birthday party after all. A smile and good sense of humour will always help. If you remain calm and happy, your guests are bound to follow suit.

Thanks for reading. Don’t forget to comment, like and share. Have a fairy fun day!