With school holidays approaching its always on everyone’s minds….what is there to do that is fun and affordable.
Computer games are great but you don’t want your child spending there whole holiday period glued to the TV.
A park can be a great affordable outing. Your children will be outdoors and using their motor skills. Whilst the mums and dads can relax and watch all the fun. Invite their friends and choose a theme. Dress as a BMX racer, superhero, fairies etc. This can make, what may sound like a boring outing, a magical adventure for all.
A playland can be a great affordable and safe outing for all. Their safe equipment will ensure the adults have piece of mind while enjoying a barista coffee in their cafe area.
A Puppet show is a very exciting outing as this style of entertainment is few and fare between. It is something new and exciting for the children and also for the adults as there aren’t many shows like this in Sydney. A new adventure for all. Have a look at www.puppeteria.com/index.php
A Kids Show. Theatre can be expensive in Sydney but there are quite a lot of affordable shows around Sydney. From RSL venues to Sydney Opera House, there are shows for a wide range of audience. The kids have a ball and the parents do too!
Check out Fairy La La Land Variety Show @ North Ryde RSL club. Early bird prices $15 per ticket! You can’t go wrong!

Tell us what your favorite affordable outing is?